Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Spinky Carpet Sweeper

Overcoming a break?

Overcoming a break is not easy, and takes time, but there are some things you can do to get faster:

1. Control your thoughts. Now you tend to think of this person frequently, possibly spend enough time each day to remember, fantasizing his return, etc. Begins to reduce as much as possible the time you spend thinking about it. You will not be able to prevent the emergence of the memory in your mind, but you can cut those thoughts when they appear, telling yourself to "Stop, do not think he / she thinks or do something else" and focus your mind on something else. Do it all the time it takes, every time you look to yourself to thinking about your ex-partner.

2. Seek help and support from your friends. If you feel depressed to and with little desire to leave, ask them to push you, they take you out into the street. Tell them clearly that you need their help to get out of this.

3. Stay busy with with various hobbies, work, school, sports, etc.

4. Think (and Say to yourself several times) that can handle this, which is a stage, you should give yourself time to heal the wound, feeling better as you go time passes and you are perfectly able to cope. Remember that any breach involves a time of sorrow that we have no choice but to accept until it vanishes. Tell yourself / a, "Now I have had to pass this bad streak and feeling bad for a while, but I can stand it until it passes"

5. Do not forget that your life is composed of many things and people, that a person's life is much more than a relationship, and all these things together give meaning to our lives. Your life is not left empty to be without your ex, because it is full of many other things (all that with which you choose to fill it).


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