Saturday, March 26, 2011

Really Hard Cervix 5 Days Before Period?

biography of Stalin (duties for Monday, April 4)

This documentary is a biography of Stalin. It's a little biased in my opinion (as an anecdote, one of the interviewees is Condoleezza Rice, the secretary of state dessert of one George Bush, both have not exactly to my liking) but serves to give an overview of a life that ran from the fight underground to the most absolute power, or at least includes many images of the time. Visiona documentary and leave your answers to these questions as a comment in blog (no need to copy the statements, you can use dashes) :
  1. Where was Stalin? How did your family background?
  2. What was the nickname "Stalin"?
  3. According to Lenin, who was the protagonist in the February Revolution of 1917?
  4. How was Stalin's participation in the October Revolution of 1917?
  5. What were the first two important positions he held? How
  6. ousted Trotsky?
  7. What did the kulaks who refused to collectivization?
  8. How many deaths caused famine in Ukraine?
  9. What was the education and information coming to Soviet citizens at the time of Stalin?
  10. What was the view of Trotsky on the Moscow Trials?
  11. What happened in August 1939?
  12. What about Eastern Europe when the Soviets drove them away to the Nazis?
  13. Who was Nikita Khrushchev? What did in 1956?
  14. Who was Gorbachev?


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