Thursday, May 5, 2011

Wearing A Tiffany's Bracelet In The Shower

The concept of Landscape and Quality. CURRENT TRENDS

The landscape and its perception

The concept of landscape is personal, human primordial living environment and that is the direct reference. The landscape is the impression the outside world through the senses and an interpretation of those feelings. Belongs to a time and space, in synchrony with the individual and their way of perceiving. The perception belongs to the person, their individual world, occurs in the now, which is the continuum of this. It is also a psychological process in which the individual interprets their living environment and creates knowledge. It is a human attribute to capture the external stimuli offering their environment to discover, organize and recreate everything around you becoming aware of reality through perception.
The also cultural landscape. Man is the configurator and at the same time is a recipient subject of the landscape. The landscape reflects the cultural background the subject who perceives it. Is its spatial projection, with the adjustments made to the system environment for living space for the individual and society as they are registered. Usually expresses its development style and lifestyle of people and peoples who inhabit it. The quality or lack of it in the landscape is the result of mutual development between human beings in their social life. insatiable configurator is a planet that has changed for good and / or bad aspiring to a better quality of life. " At the end is a proven fact that poverty and ignorance are incompatible with environmental quality and the contrast is generated by the accumulation of wealth in few hands, both facts detrimental to the landscape.

landscape aesthetic quality
The aesthetic quality of the environment in which we live is an aspiration of all people everywhere, and that beauty is a factor of influence for their mental health. Kevin Lynch recognizes the importance of these experiences to talk about the "sensible quality" ie, the quality of sensory impressions. It refers to a very broad topic of everything that human beings feel and perceive that they build up the quality standards that affect our immediate well-being. For him, the environment is an aesthetic appeal if their natural or cultural features are able to promote one or more sensory reactions of appreciation from the observer. "The aesthetic effects are only part of the full spectrum of feeling, although present in any act of perception" (Lynch, 2001).
We again have the perception as the fundamental human act, interpret, re-sets, defines and enhances your living space. The aesthetic is inextricably linked to the process of human perception. In the field of aesthetic , all approximation methods refer to the collection. Without perception there is not receipt or issuance of work of art. (Frances, 1985) Similarly, the medium becomes "landscape" only if someone sees it, and aesthetic quality is an assessment of the individual and their social environment.
human aspiration to build spaces to perform as an individual and society, has made me want to modify the environment to search for other harmonic relationships different from those found in their environment. We have the ability to transform landscape radically, this is sometimes the object and subject to the ability to create forms. These human activities in the landscape occur through actions of a very different character. Many of these actions aim at mean and have aesthetic quality through an underlying concept. The concept is defined as a cognitive unit meaning or unit of knowledge, an abstract idea or mental . That is an abstraction retained in the mind that explains or summarizes experiences, reasoning, imagination. The aesthetic implications of this process of perception can be profound. The aesthetic experience is a special kind of dialectical reaction within the mind to an external stimulus on which the mind overcomes cultural patterns and consistency. When the coherence encompasses both responses, figure or built elements or reflected from the cortex and the limbic system, the result is a "wide-ranging aesthetic," an experience with a strong emotional component. (Martinez, 1992).

art function in landscape
regular contact is important to the individual with the art. According to studies by Norwegian scientists, not only has a value aesthetic and recreational value, but holds a remarkable therapeutic value, long life, health affects and improves the physical and mental. The landscaping is both art and science . What we see today is that landscape architecture in the XXI century reappeared in new forms, integrates multiple disciplines and set a new way to understand, appreciate and relate better to our environment, both urban and rural or wild.
This power to manipulate the environment comes the need to find the means to increase the effect of color . From here the desire to know everything related to the manufacture and application of colors to reach the artistic creation and aesthetic aspiration and create works of their own and unmistakable.
Aesthetics and color
One of the characteristics of color in art is to generate a critical tension between the elements, evoking a cerebral response, the forms generated emotions through appreciation or through the post. The color enriches the world and our perception of it. The way we perceive in your environment has a strong visual bias, over 80% of the information environment that we perceive is visual. According to a study by the Institute for Color Research in the first 90 seconds of seeing something or someone, we receive between 62 and 90% of the information refers to color.
The color is inherent in the landscape, where natural or artificial pigments provide a visual reference. Its proper use can cause a similar response when we are in contact with art. Ie, capable of generating a "critical stress" between elements and the viewer, evoking a cerebral response. Hence the importance of managing psychological values \u200b\u200bsuch as quality color, its chill and its other qualities.
is known that the green areas and urban parks are a reference point in establishing the sense of belonging and the creation of its urban image. These areas are part of the sense of identity, security and shelter. The parks and gardens are essential to our well being, both socially and psychologically. The researchers speculate that the green areas have a restorative effect on voluntary attention, which is the kind of intense concentration, to work or study and ignore distractions. Two recent studies on the saturated urban population Netherlands and Japan showed that those living in areas with access to green areas, enjoyed better health and had lower mortality rates than those without them. Other research in health suggest that relatively passive contact with nature reduces blood pressure and anxiety levels. Can promote and create a sense of identity. Where you want to look at the recovery of green areas with the aim of improving environmental quality and recreational represent the public investment is not so high as to bring enormous benefits to society. (Ackerman, 2006)

harmonies Creating and color contrasts

In landscaping and horticulture know that colors have an influence on the psychology of the individual. In certain colors, certain emotional effects and / or intellectual. This knowledge comes from a kind of archetypal origins symbolic program that has tried to fathom the psychological sciences. Historically something always led us to try to wrest the colors of nature and bring them near where we live, or create them artificially, creating harmonies and contrasts to provoke a sensory response. The experience testifies that color affects mood and feelings, is a powerful tool because the colors are appealing to the emotions, so they are able to produce different levels of reactions. Regardless of their discord or harmony, can cause psychological effects as a consequence, physiological.
The psychology of color, although it is a science imadura has yielded significant results on its effects on perception and human behavior. His research and studies show a relationship between color and certain moods. When the brain perceives, at different levels, the profiles of the wavelengths of the colors, they within the rhythms are orchestrated simultaneous or synchronous and result in a very special kind of experience which can be called beauty .
The German architect Bruno Taut wrote rightly states that "A fundamental truth: man is in need of color." color preferences are an expression of emotional conditions, such as feelings and moods and much depends on what you want them. As landscapers we are able to propose color schemes knowing the implications of our aesthetic criteria. There is beautiful or ugly color, depends on a time and place to be one or the other. But if we can get our combinations of color and texture are determinants of good quality in the designed landscape. There is a factor of taste or sensibility characteristic of the culture to which we belong, but it is our duty to make proposals and to raise at least experimental values \u200b\u200bof unity and harmony in our projects. And be able to enroll in the middle with great consistency with the environment.
Moreover, the development of the individual's sensitivity to certain colors occurs parallel to its culture, integrated into all aspects of your life. The color preference is innate, although difficult to prove in the teaching process not involved in any way the visual stimuli we receive from birth. Newborns only distinguish the contrasts between colors, light and dark. Is about three years children almost invariably prefer primary colors to delicate nuances (Martínez, 1992), ie the most brilliant and essential as red, yellow or blue. Learning colors in children is related to how appropriate the environment through partnership affective events. (Gómez, 2002).
The landscape architect is in available many of the items, well managed green areas give expression and appearance. The practitioner may appeal to many design resources to establish harmony and balance, a balance must be maintained over time. is also capable of achieving a comfortable scale and proportions related to their environment, including aesthetics.
Frances, Robert. Psychology of art and aesthetics . Ediciones Akal. Spain
Lynch, Kevin. (1992). Administration landscape. Spain: Grupo Editorial Norma.
Jennifer Ackerman, Urban Parks, Green for spirit. National Geographic October 2006
Alva Martinez, Ernesto. (1992). color in Mexican Architecture. Mexico: Litoprocess SA
Cristóbal Gómez Mayorga, (2002) Learning colors or rainbow construction.


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