Tuesday, April 26, 2011

B2b Wholesale Wild Rose


Bios Viveros, Escazú, Costa Rica. Construction and photo: Laura Rodriguez. Design: G. Chaves.

introductory So I pose the following questions: What are the trends of landscape architecture today? and Why is it important for me to know these trends and what impact it can have on our environment?, Is it necessary or vital to know these new directions that acquires the profession?
A trend is defined as a driving force for a body to move toward point, is therefore direction, inclination , guidance. Is tending toward a particular purpose and move (forward even with one eye looking back). So in a general sense, is the propensity or inclination in men or things to certain purposes. Is a pattern of behavior of the elements of a particular environment for a period of time. It is simply the address or course and may be of a political movement, philosophical, artistic, etc..

Garden in Villa Real, Santa Ana, Costa Rica. G. Design Chaves. Construction: Viveros Bios.
The professional landscaper may have been raised these questions more than once. Has implied a concern prospectively, ie, I am interested in the course of my profession and I have a notion of the future. "I can I make something with my ideas? It is very timely to ask what landscape architects can do our act locally. Moreover, if we can contribute a bit to environmental problems. Any new contribution is negligible in this context and we must feel privileged. A park or garden is well designed, in terms of consistency with the medium is in itself a necessary contribution.
These concerns are very valid, and we can assume an attitude foresight in setting up a promising evolution for the profession in each country or region where they work. It is unreasonable act by imitation, repeating patterns is to give minimal effort, to work without a minimum commitment for quality in design is missing a valuable opportunity to make a difference.

Garden, Kew Gardens Poas. London, England.

both architectural design and landscape emerge in responses that are not nothing but repetitions of preset patterns, leading to a depletion in the form of project and no longer develop new ideas but copies of past trends or misinterpreted historicism. Many times this is the result of a deficiency in professional development. This then makes works that are hybrids born without a clear line of design. Create new ways without knowing the formal language of the current landscape design flows and past does not always reach a good result and formal space. It is important to establish a clear language regarding trends, define their position as being creative about what the most significant international. What are regional and even national ones, and how they directly influence our work. It is worth asking what forms acquire and what is its formal grammar . If you are faithful to a style and if adapted to the reality of the country. The landscape that knows the past can not generate a clear language regarding the trends for either distance themselves or to give continuity to the best ideas to conceptualize and develop our landscape projects.

These small gardens were flanking a facade of Gaudi's Sagrada Familia, Barcelona, \u200b\u200bSpain.
Any landscaping work must be done to show a high degree of creativity (of course subject to the conditions imposed by the client and if the professional fees charged by the permit) and must be designed to be enjoyed for many years. Today is very important that should be seeking the means economy and a reasonable cost, sometimes this is difficult in a market that knows the real costs of inputs. If you try the best results with limited resources is an energy saving, environment thanks you.

A landscaping work can not and should be decontextualized environment, hence we must be constantly reviewing what are the means of expression that I use, what direction I indicated in social and cultural context what are the environmental factors that influence the selection of materials that build my landscape and other factors that influence our creative work.

Floor Museum Berlin, designed by Daniel Libeskind won the competition for the extension in 1989.

We can be concerned to know what the contribution of its own initiative to other people, and the best thing that can happen is a satisfied customer to recommend us to others. The honesty with himself, the imaginative design and the highest quality as north are often sufficient to make the work stand out itself. To enjoy the creative process can also be incorporating new features to specific demands and solutions. These are ways of approaching the design that are interesting to others. Not necessarily correspond to what you think an intellectual elite, because we are just entering the country a culture of "taste for landscape design" we hope to promote the appreciation of beauty similar to that of the arts, but with a character even more democratic. Imagine people enjoying and recognizing a minimalist garden , hopefully the public, or a park where there are works of Land Art , or park to rescue a native ecosystem , as faithful to native species. All these options start from a very specific conceptualisation for every place and every need. Can hope to reverse urban decay and improve its quality with a creative design approach , synthetic and austere .

Botanical Garden of Barcelona, \u200b\u200bCarlos Ferrater Lambarri, Josep Lluís Canosa I Magret, Isabel Figueras. Photo of Ricardo Chaves.

"Where are we?, Is a concern is " a little existential that we have to answer to all those who are organized in associations and those who own initiative, care and study what happens in our immediate environment and the world. This question also implies the idea of \u200b\u200bexamining what happened in the past, contextualized from the cultural baggage that we built and the paths that might arise in the future.
In our particular way of relating to space can be a lot of attitudes and skills that make you essentially many views and perspectives of life as people may have. Interpret all the instruments available to this profession with a particular frame of mind, some work is also all the information that ties an undeniably to environment, a particular culture and historical context that are unique e unrepeatable. The impact of the work culture or vice versa and the ideas behind them are intrinsic and can become a real and qualitative step guide to many more people.

Olympic Village Barcelona.
A trend in the case of design, should have indicators and relating . There are references to trends that have to be confused with another concept style, groups of a certain style or stylistic components that the design is adopted. " The concept of style, according to Carlos Janlilevich , widely used by the history of architecture and art of humanistic and positivistic roots, refers to a number of common features more or less repetitive that can be present identify a particular work as belonging to a school or run mode and a period of time and place in which he appeared or school or form was common use. For example, in painting speaks of French Impressionism in literature of the English Golden Age, in Elizabethan Gothic architecture, and so on. "

A trend, if we refer to its most trivial, can have implications immediate and ephemeral as intended fashion, with a somewhat commercial and mercantile, or be so broad and have a profound impact on a social level, such that in itself may be a reflection of worldview and outlook on life . There are other ideas associated with the word trend, for example, we refer to a tendency to make what stands out for its style. This is what is in the "first line" building, also called "vanguard" and that is the radical renewal forms and contents, which replaced earlier trends through confrontation. There are also new trends that are seen as decisive in the ideals, both aesthetic and ideological society or part of it.

Botanical Garden Robert and Catherine Wilson,
Apdo.73, 8257 San Vito, Coto Brus, Puntarenas, Costa Rica

No always has to be a break or divergent approaches that change the direction of a definitive to have trend. Renovating artistic movements are unusual, avant-garde tend to have a provocative attitude and values \u200b\u200bto challenge existing models so far, but may live with less radical forms of expression more measured. There must be some consistency between the work that is specific or planned and how underlying the thinking behind the creative work. This reflective work is essential to document the particular vision of the individual creator or the contemporary. One of the difficulties in defining a trend based on the "vanguard" is truly outstanding works landscaping, as well as architecture, can not be defined by trends or styles: "quality transcends the style and substance is related to order and the deeper meaning of the individual work " (William Curtis). Instead of trends or styles, many critics refer to a few recent works reaching a higher degree of resolution and become milestones or concerning deep aesthetic value.

Today the landscape is good work taking place in many corners of the world and like Curtis think is essential to distinguish between the substance and what is simply fashionable. " that care must be taken when referring to the idea of \u200b\u200btrend in landscaping, to denote not fashion, but encompass a large number of works that may or may not be extraordinary but are successful, they have a commendable quality, ingenuity and respect deal with the pressing social, urban and ecological. Some works may can not compete with the great works of extraordinary budgets of rich countries but still they recognize their contribution and look forward to and respect their dedication to implementing and maintaining unique spaces. It is found in the noise of the moment the enduring qualities.

Robert and Catherine Botanical Garden Wilson,
Apdo.73, 8257 San Vito, Coto Brus, Puntarenas, Costa Rica. Resource dedicated to Luis Diego Gómez. Design: Guillermo Chaves.


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