Research to discover what makes a relationship work, have found that people who maintain a healthy relationship and satisfactory perform psychological tasks listed below:
1. Emotionally separated from their families of origin, not to the point of becoming strangers, but enough so that their identity is separate from their parents and siblings.
2. Constructed based on emotional closeness and intimacy shared identity, while at the same time establishing the extent necessary to maintain their autonomy and independence. Ie, they have a unique identity partner and maintain their individual identities while.
3. Establish a rich and enjoyable sexual relationship and protect against intrusion by the obligations of work and family.
4. Couples with children are open to accept the role of parents and absorb the impact of the arrival of a new being in the family, but learn to protect the privacy of each and couples.
5. Face and master the inevitable crises of life and the couple, not flee from them or deny them.
6. Maintain the strength of the link between them in adversity. The couple or marriage must be a safe place in which both partners can express their differences, anger or conflict.
7. Use humor and laughter to keep things in perspective and to avoid boredom and isolation.
8. Care for and support each other, serve the needs of your partner's privacy, comfort and offer support and encouragement and ongoing support, helping your partner to grow and develop their skills.
9. Keep alive the romantic, idealized images of falling in love, while at the same time they face the sober realities of the changes wrought by time.
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