A life without goals and without goals is often an unsatisfactory life. The person who does not feel satisfied with their lives may need to outline some goals and put in place to achieve them, and thus give a new twist to his life, will give you energy motivación y ganas de levantarse por las mañanas.
El primer paso consiste en determinar tus objetivos. Pregúntate: ¿qué me gustaría lograr a lo largo de mi vida? Estas metas pueden ser de todo tipo. Algunas estarán relacionadas con tu futuro profesional, otras con tu vida amorosa y relaciones en general, otras serán de tipo espiritual, otras tendrán que ver con tu desarrollo psicológico, otras con el placer y la diversión. Algunas pueden ser grandes metas, como llegar a ser presidente de una multinacional; y otras pueden ser pequeñas metas, como comprarte un coche nuevo o visitar una ciudad cercana a ti. Pero en tu lista de objetivos a alcanzar sería un error que sólo incluyeras metas small, it is easier to give them up, do not mean much and can go running down the road. The major goals, however, are big dreams are wishes that may have kept from your childhood with the same intensity. No matter whether the other person's eyes seem insignificant. It is the opinion of others that makes your dream is a dream, but what you feel.
From a psychological point of view is very important to write these goals down on paper. Although it may seem superfluous, writing down your goals is a more powerful effect. It is the first step on your way to them. Therefore, write your goals, big and small, whether a few and if you make a list of 300. Write them in a small notebook and while I do think that this notebook can be with you for years, perhaps your entire life. Do not miss it ever. There will come a day when taches your first goal of the list (although not the first you've written) because that day you will have achieved one of your goals and you can start the next.
Surely, over the years go by adding new goals in your notebook, or you may decide to delete some that are no longer attractive resultarte over time. The important thing is to always have goals to achieve written in your notebook, until the day of your death. They will be the force that pushes you.
The passion: the great motivator
People have been successful in their lives without setting any goals. However, these people had a passion in their lives. Maybe a movie star never set out to become famous and wealthy with their work, simply passionate about acting and that's what I did. The rest just came, in large part because his passion drove him to strive to be better and do not ever stop learning, because it was committed to his work, because it was part of himself and his life. And surely would have been just as happy not to be so successful because he had turned his passion into his profession.
Passion motivates a person and makes agrees with what we want to achieve. The commitment is very important in reaching your goals, because it makes you persist and to press ahead against all odds. The person committed to its objective, he sacrifice and struggle.
Here we must add something important: if you persist in something, it is for passion, not afraid to take a different task. Goals and sub
Sometimes, larger and more complicated goals have to divide them into specific sub-targets. If one of your goals is to become president of a large company, you have to divide it into smaller goals, specific and achievable. For example, you can start up a small business. If that goal is not realizable because you have no money to start that business you have to think another subgoal more realistic, like looking for a partner, getting a grant, look for a better job to earn more money and power savings, etc. That is, no matter how hard or far it seems your ultimate goal, break it to find targets that can start implementing now.
Once established your goal or subgoal, you should focus all your energy and your effort in getting it. You must guard your mind carefully, to prevent it from sneaking thoughts that disrupt your plans, as "too", "this is going too slowly, so I'll make no never," "today I have no desire to work "," better leave this for tomorrow. "With thoughts like these haunt your mind, will not achieve anything at all. Destiérralos forever flush it out of your mind each time they occur, keep your mind on your goal and move on.
Let these enemies within
internal enemies prevent you from achieving your goals. Among them are the following:
indifference. If you have no goals, if everything does not matter if you just go along with others, then you will not get anywhere or get safely to a place that you find unsatisfactory and makes you unhappy. Do not be indifferent.
Indecision. If you decide not to board the train, the train leaves and you lose. Indecision makes you miss opportunities. It is better to get on the wrong train (you can always get off at the next station and return to starting point) than to lose by not being able to decide.
Doubt. Sometimes people doubt everything. Doubt that the conditions necessary to achieve their objectives, their fate doubt, doubt your ability, certainly others, fate, future, opportunities ... Doubt is destructive; get rid of doubt and optimism grows. It is true that we should not see life like a fairy tale, but not see it as a tragedy.
concern. We all have concerns and not worrying about something bad ... In for good measure! Concern says that there is something you should pay attention, something that has to work or look for solutions. But no more. Once you've paid attention, have you thought about solutions, you know what you can do and what not, and you've done, if possible, stop worrying. Do not let that concern you and cornered cornering, do not let stress and fill you mine your health. Make yours the following rule: "Worry only when worrying serve for something." When worry is useless, be optimistic. So if your business is sinking despite your efforts to avoid it, you lose business, but will retain your mental and physical health and strength to undertake anything else. Nothing is a tragedy if you do not want it to be.
The excessive caution. If you're too cautious to be afraid of many things. Do not ask for a promotion in your company for fear of not, do not embark on your own business for fear of failure, do not invest any money for fear of losing, do not risk anything, whether material or psychological, and nothing can win. If you want to achieve something you must take chances on more than one occasion. Take a chance now! Learning from failure
When you take a lot of time chasing a goal without reaching or fail several times, maybe you should ask if the goal 're after is something that you really want or do they want other people. Maybe in the end what you want is to chase your dream, your passion, but you think you have to do is something different. Thus, you have an inner conflict that prevents you focus your energy on that goal that you perceive false prevents you commit, you lack the passion and motivation, you're bored, get tired, and in the end everything that leads to failure. If you're in this situation, rethinking your goals and make your goals really are, not those of others, not what you think society wants to do. Maybe one day you can say: "I have reached the goal that so many people want, but if that's not your goal, if that's something that really you are indifferent or do not want, do not serve only to make you miserable. Sometimes we see others, see what they want and think that is what you have to love us. Do not choose this path.
What happens when you do not know what you want?
To find your goals and find out what you want to do, keep in mind:
-goals must be yours, not others. Do not let others determine what it means to succeed. For some, success may be money for other leisure and for other very different.
"Your goals should mean something to you. When determined, ask yourself: what is really important to me? What we really want? What am I willing to give or sacrifice to make this happen?
-Be specific. Although at first define your goal in a vague way, then attempts to define achievable and specific ways (as explained in the section on sub).
flexible goals "Look, you do not suffocate and to allow you to consider other opportunities that may arise in your life in the future.
"Your goals should producirte enthusiasm. It's something you want to accomplish and makes you wake up happy in the morning to work on your project.
"Your goals have to be consistent with your values, ideals and principles. If you do something goes against them, surely not a goal of yours, but of others. Listen to your intuition if you feel bad carrying out this project maybe you should replanteártelo.
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