Social anxiety is in the appearance of excessive anxiety in situations that require interaction with others due to fear of losing face before them, look ridiculous, being teased or, ultimately, not being able to behave in the way that the person believes socially correct and, therefore, be rejected in some way. Although it is hard and people with this type of anxiety pass it badly enough, you can learn to overcome little by little with hard work and effort on your part.
In general, anxiety occurs when two things happen:
1. Do you think something unpleasant could happen in a social situation.
2. Think implications that happens would awful.
For example:
1: "If I express my thoughts, others may criticize me."
2. "It would be terrible to criticize me, I could not stand it if they did that prove that I am nothing, I'm no good ...".
These thoughts lead to feel an anxiety to be greater the more appalling considering the consequences. So to combat anxiety you first have to observe your thoughts and know what things you say to yourself that you are feeling that way. Then you have to analyze those thoughts, wondering if they are realistic, if you're exaggerating, if indeed the consequences would be so terrible if it is true you could not stand it. Then try to change that thought to one that makes you feel better and be more realistic, such as: "It is true that they could criticize me if I express my thoughts, but that's not necessarily a horrible thing. It's unpleasant, but their criticisms do not mean that I do not worth anything, it just means they think differently, to disagree or maybe I have not had a good idea, but that does not mean worthless. I am a person and all people are imperfect and make mistakes; therefore, I can make mistakes and sometimes I'll say something silly or a bad idea, as does everyone, but that does not makes us stupid because if so everybody would be stupid. "
This is a way to transform your thinking. And if you change your thinking will change your emotions, as anxiety is the result of a pattern of thought" catastrophic. "Above all, consider the following These ideas and make them yours:
- You're a flawed human being like everyone else, and therefore have the right to make mistakes or mess up. Stop deny that right.
- Making a mistake or do something stupid does not make us in failures or fools. One thing is what you and the other what you do. I can do something that is a failure, but that does not make me a failure as a person.
- Can not please everyone all time. Let what we do, there is always someone who thinks ill of us, so let's just accept that as one of the unpleasant aspects of life.
- What others think of us or our ideas are just opinions, not facts or absolute truths. If someone thinks you're a bad person so you will not be a bad person. Gives the opinions of others only their due importance, but no more. Aim
-anxiety support, rather than leave to feel: "if I get nervous or anxious I can stand in the end will, I am holding out as long, even a very unpleasant emotion not going to kill me, if I get anxious, because get me. "
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