Le Corbusier - Paris Plan Voisin
The domain of architecture in much of the twentieth century by the functionalism can not be extrapolate to the landscape , although one might have expected, given its close relationship between these two disciplines. The functionalism not begin as a tendency of art but as a set of aesthetic principles attached to rationalism and other avant-garde movements. The functionalism fails to develop with real strength in the design, architecture, landscaping although unable to conceptualize a good landscape, (with some exceptions as described in this blog, http:/ / paisajimopueblosyjardines.blogspot.com/2011/03/la-arquitectura-de-paisaje.html ) and could not overcome the rigidity resulting in many buildings functionalist and International Style , emerged in Europe. At most, only architects are able to consider a "outer space" around "functional architecture" imposed as the only player possible.
However CIAM (International Congresses of Modern Architecture), described below, we propose a very strong set of criteria to create a more green city for all citizens, with more clean air light, within the scope of a new urban planning.
"The function of define the architectural form, "was a principle applied to the design and architecture (with a few good exceptions); landscaping was a large space " unimpeded ", including trees, rather promoted real off with the built landscape.
The architectural rationalism, is the purification of saturated, leaving only the essential, practical and functional for every situation and believe that a bare space was ideal for this architecture. In the architecture is reflected in a renewed conception of space conformation and functional architecture supported by reasons, "meaning is use '. The function is set to clear and try to get the image from it. These ideas were also consistent with the ideals of the avant-garde of the early twentieth century and infuse a strong spatial concepts geometric abstraction , sticking very much; designs strictly rational and Cartesian configuration unadorned, naked and asymmetrical.
The Rationalist movement adopts resolutely functionalist theories. Henceforth the rationalism and functionalism are two adjectives that are juxtaposed and their foundations can be assigned to the design, architecture, urbanism and landscape design of the modern movement. In Europe true force begins with a movement led by the distinguished architect Le Corbusier , one of the most renowned architects of the times, and other intellectuals who set out to leave a legacy through CIAM (International Congress Modern Architecture) in terms of modernization, construction techniques, and new forms which would be applied to today.
Training and Membership: The CIAM, is founded in June 1928 in the castle Sarraz in Switzerland by a group of 28 European architects organized by Le Corbusier, Hélène de Mandrot (owner of the castle), and Sigfried Giedion (the first secretary general).
The CIAM was founded in 1928 and dissolved in 1959. Was a forum created by a new organization intended to discuss modern architecture, urbanism, and what was happening in cities, especially in the war. The organization went to organize a series of meetings to establish the architectural principles of the modern movement and to improve the world through the planning and design of buildings, as the CIAM perceived architecture as a political and economic tool.
Le Corbusier, one of the architects renowned main ideologue of CIAM .
1928, CIAM I, The Sarraz, Switzerland.
Foundation CIAM 1929, CIAM II, Frankfurt, Germany. Work focused on housing and housing Ernst May minimum (Existenzminimum).
1930, CIAM III, Brussels, Belgium. On the rational development of space.
1933, CIAM IV, Athens, Greece. Publication of the Charter of Athens.
1937, CIAM V, Paris, France. About Housing and reconstruction.
1947, CIAM VI, Bridgwater, England. On the rebuilding of cities devastated by World War II.
1949, CIAM VII, Bergamo, Italy. About architecture as art.
1951, CIAM VIII, Hoddesdon, England. Over the heart of the city.
1953, CIAM IX, Aix-en-Provence, France. Publication of the Letter of room.
1956, CIAM X, Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia. Habitat.
1959, CIAM XI, Otterlo, Netherlands. Dissolution of CIAM and Team X training
From the first meeting at the Castle Sarraz , came the statement Sarraz , true declaration that confirms the unity of perception of the fundamental concepts of European architecture and the obligations of professionals to society, based on the premise of functional architecture. The issues and debates arising from Sarraz The Congress and the manifestos of all the congresses deeply determined the architecture and construction of modern cities in Europe, and elsewhere.
The Athens Charter is a manifesto written in the IV urban International Congress Modern Architecture (CIAM) held aboard the Patris II in 1933 en route from Athens to Marseille Marseille (the conference had not been held in Moscow by Soviet organizers problems) being published in 1942 by Le Corbusier .
The Athens Charter commitment to a functional separation of places of residence, leisure and work calling into question the character and density of the traditional city. We proposed a new type of planning that must consider the city model from the four proposed functions: LIVING, WORKING , RECREATE and CIRCULAR. The city should streamline its land use according to the needs and functions of each establishment.
What arises here is the opposition between the traditional city , characterized by the mixture and differentiation of urban uses, and the modern, rational and functional which is governed by the fundamental principle zoning. These conceptions of urban modernism , proved disastrous for many cities as efforts were focused on solving the most basic functional problems, without having a coherent response of a forceful response to similar problems cultural, economic or social. However, these design premises remained the central concept of modern urbanism and thrust of modern urban planning.
In these conferences proposed a new method of comparative analysis of cities, through standards of presentation and similar elements for all countries, CIAM grid. These provisions had a great influence on the development of European cities after the Second World War. This new urban design did not materialize in any city because it could only be in new territory, where there is no old town with the exception of design Brasilia. But from this model arise renewal currents of the modern city, and end with the nineteenth-century dominance of the city. The text of the Charter of Athens is considered the foundation of modern architecture and / or international style . Moreover, the CIAM consolidate as disseminators of the ideas instruments of modern architecture and urbanism in the world, becoming the center of international dialogue between independent architects. The influence of the Athens Charter in urbanism today is undeniable and change the profile of many cities.
Members the CIAM traveled around the world after World War II. Many of his ideas spread beyond Europe, especially the U.S. . Unfortunately the implementation of many of its criteria were poorly executed, often because of the economic crisis, and also by not - understanding of the concepts of the architects.
The 2 Congress in 1929, was held in Frankfurt and had as its theme Existenzminimum . (The word translates as minimal space for existence)
The 3 Congress takes place in Brussels and its theme was the neighborhood housing, under the slogan National Allotment and was held in 1932.
In 1934, at 4 ° CIAM the theme was functional city. New postulates arises "a rational method" for cities was proposed functional city, where there is a clear zoning and the site subsequently rationalized in her group of four functions which are attributed to the quality of order cities. From here some idea of \u200b\u200bthe number of species necessary for any human activity, including scattering and rest.
According to this model of functional city:
1. must be habitable, housing design
2. should be a place of work: must place where everyone sits in the three sectors.
3. should be a playground , entertainment city, with some services.
4. city should be a quick and easy circulation.
The final document of the Fourth Congress contains the conclusions drawn later as doctrines of modern urbanism, some are mentioned below.
The landscaping discipline professional does not appear as a body with strength and is only mentioned, because to date landscape organizations were taking their first steps in Europe and America. If we analyze the problems arising from high density, the uncontrolled growth to outlying areas and environmental degradation emerged in urban centers, it is noteworthy that if one sees a clear environmental problem caused by the practice of creating new suburban developments and peripheral:
- "The suburbs are arranged without any plan and without normal relationship with the city."
- "The growth of the city gradually devouring the green surfaces, successive neighboring suburbs.
- This increasing detachment from the natural elements in equal measure increases the disorder of hygiene. "
placement is proposed buildings green areas sparsely . Le Corbusier was the first proponent understanding that every neighborhood should have its park, the park each metropolitan city and region the natural park, that is, a city that will not break the natural unit.
Proposed uses for good urban practices, the hygiene of buildings, recreation and sports. In this sense, it recognizes the problem with the outside areas. Modern cities have sufficient free surface area, but they are located on the outskirts of towns or in the middle of a residential area particularly luxurious. It is proposed that:
- "henceforth, any residential district must have the necessary green space for the sound management of sports and games for children, adolescents and adults."
- "not enough to stabilize housing: we must create and order, also its extensions outside the premises of physical education and various sports grounds, pointing out in advance in the overall site that will be reserved for it."
- "The high buildings, located far away from each other, they must release the ground in favor of large green areas."
- "Volumes will be built to closely amalgamated green areas to be surround. Built-up areas and planted areas will be distributed given that mediate a reasonable time to go from one to another. Either way, the urban texture must change: the clusters tend to become green city. "
- " The new green areas should be assigned to clearly defined purposes, must include playgrounds, schools, youth centers and community use buildings, linked closely to housing. "
- " The unhealthy islands should be demolished and replaced by green areas, thereby surrounding neighborhoods sanitized result. "
- "... preserve the natural beauty still intact, and also to repair the outrages that some of them have have suffered, and finally, human industry is to create places and landscapes as part of a program. "
The Modern Movement opens a new opportunity to translate their ideas into concrete reality, moving from theory to action. The difficulty was to pass the theoretical (abstract) to specific locations. The concrete is often against the abstract. The problem would tie these two approaches as antithetical acting in a specific reality.
What at first seemed a new concept of landscaped space for new towns, especially among residential buildings became a large green space between apartment blocks, in some cases "no man's land." That is degrades a broad field to show the architecture of international style buildings . These sets of buildings suffer from rapid degradation and become problematic ghettos, segregation was brought to these complexes. would be the new "slums" as its inhabitants suffer from social stigma and prejudice.
From the above perspective, is that you get today are made comparative analysis of concepts such as landscape, recreation and open spaces that are now "different", to which at the time was understood as such. give an example, to "loss of contact with nature in the big cities" is a surprising event, "the landscape of the core is essentially a civic landscape. It is a place where the city's civic expression finds its highest point. This landscape Civic is a product of man against a natural landscape, and in some cases, the natural elements - even trees - would be out of place "
These conferences sought a new order, a new way of thinking about life City, substantiate his claim was the humanization of urban life. By contrast, proliferated in many cities in Europe, Asia and America a poor and distorted version of the architecture and urbanism which marginalized in neutral buildings and landscapes "desert" to the disadvantaged population.
Note: This is a collection made for academic.
Note: This is a collection made for academic.
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