The Donnell Garden - Thomas Church In the United States of America landscape designers began to become more aware of the artistic possibilities of the composition of outer space and the social responsibility inherent in this profession, among other ideas inspired by the avant garde European thought. A change of attitude to traditional forms of landscape design occurred in the early twentieth century. Two different directions emerged as an approach to design, but they could get to come together, more artistic creativity and a conscious notion of the functional. This involved a more consistent search for ways to make landscape were also consistent with the new forms of art, architecture and especially with the ecology of the area in which each project is located.
The designers also showed a growing concern for the social needs of the people and the community. In the late 30's the first steps to incorporate into a landscape architecture emerge strongly interdisciplinary approach. This led to a movement to devise regional planning and environmental design.
Eckbo, Royston, Dean, Williams in the early 50's, _Royston, _Dean, _Williams_early_1950's. Jpg Many of the proponents of these new ways to expand the vision of the landscape was (limited to a creator of gardens) were mostly in California, including Thomas Church, Lawrence Halprin , Garret Eckbo, Robert Royston and others. Church, Eckbo, and Royston introduced innovative and fluid in their design, closer to the first manifestations artistic avant-garde of the early decades of the twentieth century. The designs were based on criteria such as geometry simple but effective, low maintenance, using a small amount of plant material but with very aesthetic, proposed especially native plants and more specifically the plants acclimated to California. A strong relationship was developing between the outdoor space and the interior, so planning became a process, often more family oriented.
allied Lawrence Halprin landscape architecture environmental design, particularly in the urban context, redesigning the city streets, transportation systems and proposed regulations on land use. His book Cities, published in 1963, reveals the degree Halprin commitment to urban design. The domain of landscape architecture extended to planning and environmental conservation. Reaffirmed his work, the landscape architect's role in the regeneration of American cities. Proposed ideas for social and pedestrian spaces were sites with vitality, rescues the public space of marginality.
California Style Principles of Garden Design
• is governed by three principles : Functional (place to live and depending on customer requirements), empathic (the environment) and artistic (The term of a space system that turned a simple task in an art activity)
• The garden was seen as the space interaction between people and place.
• continuity between interior and exterior to reflect the California lifestyle.
• comprehensive theory of landscape ecological environment and so serve as an integrating element between the built and the jungle.
• The design must overcome the dichotomy between the formal and informal to develop a new vocabulary that would achieve "an organic form in a humanized landscape."
• Its grammar comprising rectangular shapes, circular or compound in groups orthogonal or oblique, as well as free curves taken from natural forms of landscape.
• designs were made to have a low maintenance, with a simple use of materials and plants acclimated to the context of California.
This movement is limited to California, actually extends throughout North America first, and then the rest of America is one of the new trends of Modern Landscape Architecture . The rich possibilities of design, redefining the scope of the profession, the fact that the landscape is a figure on it is essential in interdisciplinary teams that address urban planning and landscape protection, would be the factors that make the movement modern landscape achieve true importance. It is in America where this movement gained greater continuity and consistency and we owe part of this success to the California landscape .
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