Crushed in San Antonio de Escazu, Costa Rica, using rocks of the place and with a combination of plants such as iris, ferns and other coverage. Guillermo Chaves Design.
The term "rock garden" designates a particular form of gardening. It is a combination of rocks and plants along aesthetic conceptions and specific biological requirements. Native to the temperate countries pebbles has been defined and described according to the manifestations of the ecology and geology typical of their areas of origin. More traditional versions versions are common and alpine dry. The alpine rockery is a specialized variant also called Alpinum . Is being built in imitation of the rocky landscape and alpine plants are used to extreme requirements given the environmental conditions of their origin.
The term "rock garden" designates a particular form of gardening. It is a combination of rocks and plants along aesthetic conceptions and specific biological requirements. Native to the temperate countries pebbles has been defined and described according to the manifestations of the ecology and geology typical of their areas of origin. More traditional versions versions are common and alpine dry. The alpine rockery is a specialized variant also called Alpinum . Is being built in imitation of the rocky landscape and alpine plants are used to extreme requirements given the environmental conditions of their origin.
Section of the Alpine Rock Garden in the alpine plant Davies Greenhouse at Kew Gardens. Photo of Guillermo Chaves.
The dry pebbles gardening is a combination of igneous and metamorphic xerophytic plants, Some of these are also known as succulents or cacti. In dry pebbles igneous rocks are used to act with respect to plants as heating elements.
Section Seca road metal inside the Princess of Wales Conservatory at Kew Gardens. Photo of Guillermo Chaves.
The pebbles tropical gardening is a combination of sedimentary rock covered with vegetation of tropical origin. In tropical rockeries use the sedimentary rock in which the chemical processes and internal have been completed and is likely to be covered with vegetation.
Tropical Section of a road metal using boulders and bromeliads. Design & Photo Guillermo Chaves.
The pebbles of boulders. That the origin of the stone may suggest that combine water with aquatic plants to generate dynamic forms against the static in the atmosphere. Other rockeries have a particular emphasis on the rock itself, that if you work with design criteria and good taste can be very attractive.
A unique pebbles is a work of unique and unrepeatable. In this case coleboré in the concept and develop a garden with a large collection of ancient carved stones. It is located in Hacienda La Laguna, Curridabat, Costa Rica. All are stones that have a utilitarian function, such as pestle to grind the coffee, salt shaker to give the cows, washing, etc.
gardening For pebbles used well-drained land, gives greater opportunities to build levels and slopes if the topography is broken. The stones that are selected should be chosen personally by the effect you want to achieve. There must be a preponderance of large stones should be placed first and the stones that end articulating the big picture. These will form the slopes, with smaller stones and gravel that make up the rest of rocky. Depending on the size of the slopes should be provided in the form of tiered access with the same stone, with a rustic finish for internal circulation or maintenance.
Crushed carved stones and boulders. Here you can see some steps left for maintenance in the garden Wanamaker. Escazú, Costa Rica. Design & Photo Guillermo Chaves.
In tropical countries are critical drains and rainwater discharges, as the rains are usually plentiful. It is best to use the same stone, including large to create a small creek bed that resembles the natural and to allow the rapid evacuation storm.
Crushed exceptional ancient carved stones. Design & Photo Guillermo Chaves.
gardening For pebbles used well-drained land, gives greater opportunities to build levels and slopes if the topography is broken. The stones that are selected should be chosen personally by the effect you want to achieve. There must be a preponderance of large stones should be placed first and the stones that end articulating the big picture. These will form the slopes, with smaller stones and gravel that make up the rest of rocky. Depending on the size of the slopes should be provided in the form of tiered access with the same stone, with a rustic finish for internal circulation or maintenance.
Crushed carved stones and boulders. Here you can see some steps left for maintenance in the garden Wanamaker. Escazú, Costa Rica. Design & Photo Guillermo Chaves.
In tropical countries are critical drains and rainwater discharges, as the rains are usually plentiful. It is best to use the same stone, including large to create a small creek bed that resembles the natural and to allow the rapid evacuation storm.
discharges can absorb rain water and promote infiltration into the ground with an array of stones, gravel and plants to disperse the flow and does not reach the riverbeds with great speed.
orientation of the pebbles is something you should think well, it is best to form small terraces on a slope not very pronounced, with a south or southwest preferred. Recall that the latitude of our country, Costa Rica, received more hours of sun during the year if given this orientation.
can also sort the pebbles from its location in the garden. In this case we have the example:
Crushed flat, level the playing field is hampered not have a rock garden from the early twentieth century have become very popular gardens and other botanical themes emphasizing diverse and imaginative. Plants culinary or medicinal use, also the gardens of bromeliads and cacti collection as are options for these soils.
Crushed sloping, often resort to civil engineering works to solve the problem of erosion of the slopes, a very ingenious application is to make a rock garden on the banks and vegetation used to help secure and consolidate the ground.
Crushed stone found at the site slopes and mounds and configured using heavy equipment, machinery was also used to place the larger stones. Escazú, Costa Rica. Design & Photo Guillermo Chaves.
Crushed stone found at the site slopes and mounds and configured using heavy equipment, machinery was also used to place the larger stones. Escazú, Costa Rica. Design & Photo Guillermo Chaves.
Crushed terraced if the topography permits, complex terrain can create terraces and slopes. Even a small change of slope can be configured in a great visual appeal. The causes of a small stream and rustic steps can structure a far more dynamic.
cliff Rockies are stunning works due to the vertical and the use of exposed stone. It is hard to do it without additional engineering works, either by combining a particular underlying structure with apparent stones, or directly, creating a rock wall just to be "Solaqua" (you fill in the gaps between stones concrete). In these cases it is necessary to ensure that they have slots and holes in which plants can be placed.
Crushed with pebbles Wanamaker in the garden. Costa Rica. Photo of Guillermo Chaves.
The pebbles began to be a landscaping style much in vogue at the time of Louis XV and during the Regency. Rococo own rounded lines are reminiscent of the shells, scrolls and leaves whose edges are wavy. In tropical countries are other requirements and emphasis with which they can propose rockeries. Remember that the epiphytes is one of the more specialized forms of biodiversity, and is precisely the habitat plants that adhere to inert supports such as rocks or tree trunks (although they are living not parasitize the host tree). It is a type of plant that is more common in the tropics of America and some species such as bromeliads are strictly New World, but there is great diversity in orchids, cacti, aroids, ferns and other requirements that are similar. They are plants of great beauty in its flowers and foliage, are relatively easy to maintain and reproduce.
Crushed Gardens Kew Gardens
This is a description that is based on data from the official website of Kew and a personal visit to the site you can do (1). Kew Gardens dabbled in the creation of small rock gardens since the mid-nineteenth century, but it was not until 1882 that we built a rock garden of importance. The decision was accelerated by a donation of 3,000 alpine plants, one of the largest collections in the country at that time. The Director William Thistleton-Dyer, who was the director of the Royal Botanical Gardens , Kew since 1885, trying to avoid the creation of something "ugly and annoying", decided to design a small valley of 150 square meters, similar to a habitat in the mountains of the Pyrenees . In the middle was a winding path, simulating a natural watercourse. It was made of blocks of (cheddar limestone) cheddar limestone, oolite Bath (also a type of limestone) and rocks recovered from the ruins of ancient buildings at Kew.
Photo Guillermo Chaves.
Photo Guillermo Chaves.
reconstruction and a new design
blocks oolite limestone partly replaced in 1913 and from 1929 the limestone cheddar was gradually replaced with sandstone Sussex, which retains more moisture and allows to cultivate a greater variety of species. This reconstruction lasted until 1968 .
With the construction of the Princess of Wales Conservatory in 1987, rebuilt their surroundings. Created a new building for the plants of the Himalayas. Then he would make a new waterfall and bog garden to be built in the center of the rock garden, this was completed in 1991 . plantings were reordered to be consistent with geographical theme, and the mountain plants were divided into six major regions represented. The construction of new alpine plant Invernadedo Davies in 2005 led to work a larger area. Not only created the alpine rockeries new greenhouse but the rock garden surrounding. At the south end a new area was built to accommodate plants of Australia and New Zealand.
Photo Guillermo Chaves.
The reconstruction of a section near Conservatory of alpine plants and new plants area of \u200b\u200bAustralia and New Zealand.
In 2007 we were expanding and rebuilding those sections which allowed me to observe the process. The Sussex sandstone is a sedimentary stone Cretaceous period . It is widely used in England to build walls, antique restorations and also works for floors and walls. It is a stone that also allows for containment works either way cyclopean walls, ie by thick stone walls and concrete or in this case, using large stones of cubic forms that are planted well on the ground flat on their faces, which facilitates the process, you can build terraces, slopes, edges of lagoons.
Alpine Rockery cosntrucción in 2007. Photo of Guillermo Chaves.
The area of \u200b\u200bthe cascade corresponds to a wetland environment, which were needed to cultivate the American species library North. Built with 250 tons of Sussex sandstone, a waterfall dominates the visual in this section, is next to a pond that is stocked with 100,000 liters of water per hour. High levels of humidity in the surrounding wetlands are maintained by a coating of reinforced low density polyethylene geomembrane. The Duke of Kent opened and opened the new section of the American Rock Garden on 26 April 1994. (2)
Photo Guillermo Chaves.
reconstructions are a horticultural process between and almost " archaeological " since before starting work in the setting of the rocks should move any plant you want to keep and reproduce, so plants have to be repositioned once it has completed work reposition the rock and change the substrate. Each stone is placed by checking that they are at, rocks carefully fit to tie it together. Generally, adjustments are made with a pen and hand to make it fit perfectly. This makes them very stable and are expected to last in her new position for another 60 years. (3)
Photo Guillermo Chaves.
This rock garden is the best in the world and displays a large collection of mountain plants, plants from Mediterranean areas, moisture-loving species from around the world.
Section of Europe includes Britain's native plants as well as other plants of mountainous areas of Europe. Examples include purple saxifrage (Saxifraga oppositifolia ) and the rare Cheddar pink (Dianthus gratianopolitanus ). The section shows Africa and the Mediterranean Basin species Mediterranean, including southern Europe and North Africa, and plants from the mountains of southern Africa that are hardy enough to grow out of the greenhouses.
Photo Guillermo Chaves.
The Asia section displays the alpine plants Himalayas, the Caucasus , China and Japan . These range from ornamental zebra grass (Miscanthus sinensis ) the tree winged burning bush (Euonymus alatus ). The area of \u200b\u200bAustralia and New Zealand include plants of the Southern Alps of New Zealand and southeastern Australia. section South America shows the collection of plants of the Andes and Patagonia and the section of North America shows a waterfall that falls into a swamp, with moisture-loving plants. It also shows the alpine plants of the mountains Rocollosas and Appalachians. There are currently about 2500 different plants that grow in this part of the garden.
Photo Guillermo Chaves.
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