trees in Green Park consist mainly of "London plane tree " , Platanus x hispanica and "lime, Tilia tomentosa . Photo of Guillermo Chaves.
There are many urban parks in big cities that are successful although very simple in concept, and there are other great parks designed in a more elaborate and more complex cases that need reevaluation because they simply decay or "age" so overwhelming. A good example of a park that has been successful for decades is The Green Park in London , the basic idea consists of, an oasis of lawns and tree-lined trail alignments, of thickets and isolated trees. Two sources, and the willingness of people to rest in this peaceful countryside air.
The Green Park is one of the royal parks of London . covers 19 hectares and is a park with a very peaceful consisting basically of trees and meadows. This park is part of a system of green areas in the heart of London, is a nexus between Hyde Park and St James's Park , so that the three constitute an important lung of the city. These parks form an almost unbroken stretch of open country stretching from Whitehall and Victoria station to Kensington to Notting Hill. Surrounded by Constitution Hill, Piccadilly and Broad Walk. It is a good place to take a break or stand and wander through the long views through the trees and meadows.
Photo of William H. Chaves
Historical records of the park started in 1554 as a place where there was a rebellion against the marriage of Mary I of Philip II of Spain. This plot was also famous for the duel of honor that were run up 1667, when Charles II bought extra land 40 acres and became known as High Park St. James. The land was for decades an almost deserted area on the outskirts of London and remained an isolated area until well into the eighteenth century, when it was known as a haven for bandits and thieves. was opened in 1826. Handel's music for the Royal Fireworks was composed specifically for the fireworks celebration held at Green Park in 1749. He remained popular, especially for raising balloons and public displays of fireworks during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.
Its landscape offers a stark contrast to the above as The Green Park, no buildings, few monuments, also has lakes. Many of the buildings that were within the estate, as the Temple of Peace, the Temple of Concordia, the Library of the Queen, and others, were destroyed before or were demolished in 1855. The only monuments are Canada Memorial by Pierre Grenchen and Constance Source Fund. Green Park has the character of solace and refuge for the rest of the people who live, work or visit the center of London, and is particularly popular for sunbathing on making good time.
Photo of William H. Chaves
The Canadian Memorial was designed by Canadian sculptor Pierre Grenchen, I liked the basic geometric concept of a triangle-section and the movement and reflexes that provides the water. Was presented by the Queen in 1994. The Memorial pays tribute to the nearly one million Canadian men and women who served in the United Kingdom during the First and Second World War. In particular, it honors the more than 100,000 brave Canadians paid with their sacrifice during these conflicts. The monument is divided into two sections representing the Canadian and British participation in the two world wars. In the center is a narrow aisle. (1)
Trees in Gree n Park consist mainly of "London plane tree " , Platanus x hispanica and "lime", Tilia tomentosa . Both species provide a great benefit to the surrounding areas because it creates a cooler microclimate in hot summers. They also help improve the quality of by absorbing air vehicle exhaust and filtering harmful pollutants. Birds that are most commonly sighted are starling, Sturnus vulgaris , blackbird Sturnus vulgaris and tit sparrow Passer domesticus and migration as Turdus iliacus ( Redwings ).
Leaves and fruits London Plane tree
There is also a significant number of unusual trees, such is the case of black poplar (the rarest native timber Britain, recognizable by its gnarled trunk), the silver maples (which are distinguished by their silver leaves) and silver files (which have dark green leaves above and silvery white below.) There are also some native oaks and Hawthorn, a tree that supports a lot of wildlife, with nectar-rich flowers for insects in spring and berries with berries that are food for birds during the fall.
park is very popular because it offers extensive walking trails, one can see many of the inhabitants of central London crossing it to go to work and is very relaxing to rest among travelers. His ways are widely used by runners jogging or hiking.
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