look for the little colony had in equatorial Africa Spain: English Guinea (now Equatorial Guinea). Go to the virtual classroom, download and read the presentation "Open Letter writer Fernando Gamboa on Equatorial Guinea" and - also with the help of the Internet - investigates and responds to the following questions LEAVING YOUR ANSWERS TO HOW TO COMMENT ON THE BLOG (not need to copy the statements) :
- Who has the power currently in Equatorial Guinea? When he came to power and how?
- What are the main economic resources of the country? Who operates and who benefits from them?
- According to the author of the letter, explains how public services are health, education, security and justice that are serving the people of Equatorial Guinea.
- What position does Equatorial Guinea in terms of income per capita (an indicator of wealth)? What about the HDI (Human Development Index, which weighs the wealth, life expectancy and level of education)?
- What is the life expectancy in Equatorial Guinea? And in Spain?
- Explains how the political system in Equatorial Guinea.
- What denounces NGO Amnesty International? What Transparency International?
- What tracks are the English colonial past among its inhabitants?
- "Western democracies, including the U.S. and the former mother country, Spain, and the UN are all effort to change that situation?
If you want more information, I recommend this link and all this other .
If you have problems to download the presentation, you can read the open letter directly to this link (Blog of Fernando Gamboa).
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