Saturday, August 2, 2008

Renewing Mechanics License Ontario


both men and women there are myths about their sexuality, this time we will focus only to those who refer to the man, without this meaning that are more important than his female counterpart, which have already been developed in an entry special.

1. Masturbation affects

Throughout countless decades have extended concepts such as that masturbation can cause infertility, erectile dysfunction, acne, blindness, deafness, mongolism insanity, epilepsy, growth of hair on the palms, "sinks" in the eyes and takes away shine, exhaust the muscles, impairs memory and thinking ability, degenerates tissues and nerves and, when abused, premature death.
Simply being labeled a sin is enough for many practitioners feel dirty and that its image as a gentleman is concerned, even to himself. The truth is that many sex therapists agree that the repression to which the child is subjected to masturbate generate further difficulties, both in their sexual life and in other psychological functions. For example, do it secretly and quickly is one of the antecedents of premature early, understood as the persistent inability to achieve and maintain an erection of the male organ that allows you to have satisfactory sexual intercourse.
However, because in each orgasm, the body releases endorphins (hormones that contribute to relaxation)-proven scientifically, "masturbation is recommended to reduce stress and anxiety, and as an aid to sleep. It provides the opportunity to know and appreciate one's own body, allowing better self to orgasm.
is important to clarify that when the only way to achieve sexual pleasure, or creates feelings of guilt and anxiety, readers are referred to a psychologist or psychiatrist.

2. Just a big penis satisfy a woman

The most recent survey sponsored sexuality condoms firm notes that only 10% of women give importance to the size of your family member, and the remainder is convinced that sexual satisfaction does not depend on it, nay, the same study found that 98% of females believed that a penis larger than 20 inches are frightened or impressed.
In fact, very few men are interested in knowing that the most sensitive area of \u200b\u200bthe vagina in the first two inches entry (vulva), so that a penis can spend just 6 inches to 3 inches (on average) of the labia and reach the top two female body in comfort, however, by friction, a male member wider stimulates these first few centimeters.
not forget that the vagina is made up of muscle tissues that contract when stimulated, and able to adapt to pressure and average penis size, also, the clitoris (which is considered the most sensitive spot of the female genitalia) reacts directly to the touch, making them to enjoy this experience as much as the same penetration.
Finally, for those interested on the subject we can say that globally the average penis size in flaccid state and erect is 8.85 inches 16.4, with a diameter of 4.1.

3. A vasectomy reduces sexual appetite

Hundreds of couples who come voluntarily to apply for this contraceptive surgery have opened fully to enjoy their sexuality to know that no risk of pregnancy. Vasectomy is simple surgery performed by your urologist, physician who specializes in male genitals, which takes about 20 minutes and the application of local anesthesia.
The aim is to prevent the passage of sperm, from a small incision in the scrotum (skin that covers the testicles) between 1 and 2 cm in the area where are located the vas deferens (tubes that carry sperm) are cut to later link the sewing tips and scrotum again. After the operation, the patient can walk out and continue with their normal activities, since the procedure and recovery period does not cause discomfort.
is wrong to consider that during the vasectomy is cut tissues important in the functioning of the male organ, as some believe, and that this is the first step in developing erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation or some type of cancer, such as prostate or testicles.
What we emphasize is that sperm production is not stopped with vasectomy, so that after surgery is stored a large amount of sperm in the seminal vesicles, so the couple need to be protected by some method contraception for the next 15 or 20 sexual encounters in which the male ejaculates, then their risk is over.
Equally important is knowing that this method is not a shield against AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases, so that the individual undergo vasectomy must consider whether to uphold the usual precautions risky relationships.

4. A virgin woman always bleed during their first

The hymen is an elastic membrane that surrounds the vaginal wall that covers the entrance of the organ, and for centuries it was thought that the only way to break through the penetration was member virile, which cause pain and bleeding in women. We now know that women can be born without this fine tissue, or that may be torn by sharp fall or a blow that causes injury to the vulva, excessive menstrual flow, and during a pelvic examination, by inclusion of masturbation with fingers or objects, open legs violently during a sport, gymnastics, tennis, swimming, biking or horse, and genital touching too much pressure, among others.
Also, the medicine has proved that there are women who have sex and can keep their hymen intact, because sometimes it becomes so flexible that it remains undamaged despite intercourse. Thus there is no way, even for a physician to establish with certainty whether a woman is virgin or not.
The same reasons that the hymen can tear are justifying not always be bleeding during the first intercourse. However, the absence of the vital liquid wedding night continues to cause conflict among many couples.

5. Only having no pregnancy ejaculation

a natural way to becoming erect penis secretes seminal fluid is prepared for penetration, which contains sperm. Thus, when entering the body to carry sperm to the vagina in a woman's fertile days to fertilize the egg, even without ejaculation. Thus, as indicated is to use a condom if you do not know the couple's menstrual cycle, or that she use another method of contraception, of course!, Provided it does not envisage a future pregnancy immediately.

6. Circumcision should be mandatory

Although the skin (foreskin) that covers the head of the penis (glans) serves to protect the children from possible virus attacks that result in infections, and more Later in sexually transmitted diseases, there is no consensus among medical experts that it must be removed permanently by calling circumcision.
Such is the discrepancy in this respect it is estimated that in United States 80% of men are circumcised, while in Europe only 5% worldwide total is estimated at 15%. The truth is that it has been found that both surgery and those who have not been candidates are equally infectious or venereal disease if proper precautions are not saved.
The decision for circumcision in children rests with parents and pediatricians, while adolescents and adults should consult with the urologist.

7. The medicines for erectile dysfunction are aphrodisiacs

in recent years has increased the popularity of drugs for the treatment of erectile dysfunction, which they are directed only to the so-called corpora cavernosa of the penis, which inhibit an enzyme ( phosphodiesterase V) disabling the mechanism of erection, achieving the result that it can stay longer. However, this does not mean that the medical substance cause frankly sexual desire who do not, as it develops in the brain and not the male organ.
scientific expertise indicates that if a man, thanks to the drugs listed, improves sexual function altered by erection problems, also improve sexual desire, albeit indirectly, significantly raising their self esteem.

8. Stands for orgasm ejaculation

A very high percentage of men believe that an end to all intercourse is intercourse or penetration, through which they will generate an orgasm pleasure. Well, many sexologists have found that self-control in breathing intensity increases and can prolong an orgasm with no ejaculation. Those with greater knowledge
put into practice the above are the followers of Tantra, ancient teaching from India whose goal is the self of the individual. Of course, this very respectable discipline directs all its target general welfare of human beings, where the sexual aspect is only part of it.
Starting from the premise that the human body is "a sacred temple," the man Tantrists learn to wait and bring out the love affair without haste, with special emphasis on body relaxation and breath control, that is, deliberately slowing the pace and depth of inhalation and exhalation , which has significant impact on the control of ejaculation. This way you can make slight movements, harmonious and pleasant pace, leading to a prolonged and sensual relationship, with closer union between the couple.

9. Men have no point G

From 60's of last century female G-spot is called a waste of tissue from the embryo is located in the front wall of the vagina, surrounded by sensitive nerve endings. His popularity since then is that knowingly encourage the tissue can cause enormous excitement in some cases will result in long string of orgasms.
The best way to stimulate the above point is touching or having a deep insight into the vagina but from behind, causing the penis to closer contact with the anterior wall of the female organ.
Well, recently it has been said that the man also has a G spot, also of extreme sensitivity that can
be stimulated to trigger orgasms. In fact it is the prostate gland that meets important biological function, particularly in the reproductive stage, generating the seminal fluid that protects and carries sperm on the route they follow up a woman's uterus during sexual intercourse (penetration) .
stimulation in man also can be done by touch through the anus, where you can guide your finger through the front wall of the rectum, about 5 inches, until you feel small walnut-shaped bulge, the point G male. As you can imagine, not all men are willing to enjoy the experience.

10. Sexuality is extinguished with age

According to scientific research, the man reaches his greatest sexual vigor between 30 and 35 years of age, tending to decline thereafter. The explanation for this is that after that age may be present health problems would affect the sexual health of the individual, as in the case of diabetes, hypertension and heart disease, among others. Look, for example, high blood glucose levels (diabetes) disrupt the smooth functioning of the circulatory system in general, which depends on the mechanism of erection male reproductive organ, is so careless in the treatment of this disease can cause erectile dysfunction. However, we emphasize that the above does not occur in all men and that the sufferings that have been mentioned can be controlled and, consequently, also the sexual disorders arising therefrom.
Moreover, the man who has led a life of health and sexuality has remained active since his youth will also ensure that during old age. True, the sexual capacity naturally decreases over time, but need not lost completely.
in men can talk about declining quality of erection, both rigidity and duration, as well as the ability to fertilize by low sperm production, also include the post-coital refractory period, ie the time it takes to recover for the next relationship, which can be extended for days or weeks, for example, we know of elderly people aged 80 have a sexual relationship three weeks, what do you think? About
sexual myths can be written thousands of lines and no end of talk about them. The truth is that nobody will be surprised to be informed, we can enjoy better sexual health and a more satisfying relationship, do not you think?


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